Contrary to popular belief making a salad isn’t that easy after all.
Oh no we’re not about to make you all believe that making a salad is difficult work, it isn’t. It’s just that some people have a natural knack for making salads and sandwiches a hundred times better, then other people do. Remember that salad or sandwich your mom would make versus that chop and slap job you usually maneuver as quickly through as possible?
And maybe that’s the reason for the difference right there. Patience.
Mom would expertly move through sous-chef prepping the salad or sandwich pieces right into building the perfect example of patient master every time. She’d make it look effortless. And that could be the second reason we can never replicate, we try to do it in the same time frame as a master.
So, in this recipe we’re going to show you how easy it is to make a salad capable of printing to a restaurant’s menu board! And you’ll see how a little follow along with a dash of patience yields the results you’ve wanted since the days mom made your soups, salads and sandwiches.
Now the cool part about this recipe is that you get to make brisket first! For, without the leftover brisket, this would be a very sad brisket salad recipe indeed!
You’ll want to grab a bottle of Claude’s BBQ Brisket Marinade and have a read on our Claude’s Brisket Marinating Tips. We go over some basics on how to get our world-famous brisket flavor along with the basic recipe we’ve used for generations.
But let’s assume you have that leftover brisket and its dinner time. So, let’s gather up!
- 1/2 lettuce cut in bite size pieces
- 1 large tomato cut in small pieces
- 1 small purple onion cut in rings
- 2 1/2 cups green and red bell pepper chopped
- 1 small cucumber chopped coarsely
- 1/2 pound leftover cooked shredded brisket
- 1/2 cup cubed hard cheese
Take all your cut-up vegetables and cheese, put them into your salad bowl and mix up. With the salad prepped in the bowl you can add your choice of salad dressing. For a dish like this we do recommend a Greek Salad dressing or a vinaigrette like an Italian dressing for example.
Serve out the salad and add the brisket over top to each and serve to your hungry hoard, who just got that one bit healthier thanks to this bounty of vegetables and meat!
A dinner salad can be as hefty or lean for calories as you like. You can always add things to the list above such as sun-dried tomatoes for example. They pack a wallop for calories at 100 per 8 half pieces. Or you can add nuts and seeds to your salad. Just one ounce of any nut or seed and you’ve increased your calories by a minimum of 100 if not more in some instances. Not to mention you’ve added fats that are essential to your energy and good health.
Eating salads are a great way to control weight. They help build strong bones, keep your eye’s healthy, protect your heart and improve muscle performance. Not to mention salads are a bounty of fiber which is essential to your good health.
So, plan salad nights where you can take the basics we’ve given you, add your own flair with anything from artichoke hearts, sun-dried tomatoes to anchovies and crank out a masterpiece just like mom every week!